Sunday, April 26, 2015

Poetry Contest Judging
Tomorrow the committee of poetry judges meets to decide the winners of this year's contest. I am never conflicted about whether this is a good event, because it gives me so many opportunities to see of what our students are capable when presented with a challenge. I can feel the honesty in many of the works put forth, and I admire in particular the students who have mastered the haiku form, which encapsulates so much meaning in such a small number of words.

It is admirable that our students are willing to share their work with an audience; that's no mean thing, in my opinion. I am no poet myself, preferring prose in my spare time, and I definitely can't flatter myself in saying that I am capable of good prose, come to that. I feel that my lack of skill in that area gives me a greater respect for the potential of poetry in both long form and haiku (the major categories of this particular contest).

In the past, we have had a spoken word section of the contest, but because we only have two or three students who really have found their passion in that particular type of poetry, we decided to focus instead on written forms, and encourage our intrepid spoken word poets on during Town Meeting and similar events.

I look forward to meeting with the judges and discussing our favorites.

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